Application Server for IIS Amyuni Installer Error

During the installation of Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS, the Amyuni printer can fail in some situations. This article explains how to determine the cause of the failure.

Check the Firewall(s)

Firewalls control network access to your server in order to provide a layer of security from malicious attacks. In the process of blocking undesirable access though, they can also block access to your server that you want to allow. If your Application Server appears to start correctly but clients cannot connect to it, it is quite likely that a firewall is blocking network access to your Application Server.

User is Denied Access to Pages When Logging into an Application Configured to use "Forms Based Active Directory"

With the release of Alpha Anywhere 4.5.3, if Alpha Anywhere has been configured to use "Forms Based Active Directory" and the users and roles are defined in separate organizational units, Alpha Anywhere's security system may not allow access to users that should be allowed access. This can be fixed by updating the Active Directory configuration in your application.

Locating Logs for the Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS

Log files are useful for troubleshooting issues in web applications. The Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS writes events to the Xbasic Error log and Trace logs when abnormal conditions are encountered. The Application Server for IIS also writes to the Windows Event Logs. Failed Request Tracing can be used, as well, to track down failed requests.

Insecure Configuration Detected

Storing the SSL certificate and private key in the webroot will result in an error message from the Alpha Anywhere Application Server.

Named AlphaDAO Connection String Publishing Profile Warning

When defining a Web Project Publishing Profile, if your Web Project has any Alpha DAO Connection strings defined and you did not define the connection string in the publishing profile,Alpha Anywhere will display a warning message.

Debugging Node.js Errors

If a node service fails, you may receive a JSON object with the message "node stopped working" from your Node service. This error indicates that the Node.js server has crashed. You can debug these errors using Helper functions designed for diagnosing Node failures.

Port is Already in Use Error when Starting Server

The Alpha Anywhere Application Server cannot start if the server's Server Port is being used by another process.

Tracking Down Request Failures

Tracking down request failures in IIS for HTTP status codes of 400 and above.

Resolving the 'Connection String Errors' Message

If AlphaDAO or Storage connection strings have not been configured for your application in the Publish Profile, you may see the "Connection String Errors" message.

Server Starts in Demo Mode

The Alpha Anywhere Application Server will start in demo mode if it cannot activate the product.

How to Stop IIS Application Pools

When updating the Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS, all instances of the Alpha Anywhere server and associated Application Pools must be stopped, otherwise a system reboot is required to complete the installation.

The ordinal 2630 could not be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll

This error message can occur when an older version of OpenSSL is running on your computer when Alpha Anywhere is installed. It is only a real problem if Alpha Anywhere will not start after installation. See the Installation issues section of Encryption Algorithms for more information.

Warning: Illegal session variable value

When creating a session variable, only character data can be assigned. A warning message is logged if the data assigned to the session variable is not a character type.